World Alzheimer's Month takes place every September and World Alzheimer's Day is on 21 September each year...
Connect are running drug and alcohol training with course dates in 2024 & 2025. These are particularly suitable for education colleagues, health and social care staff, the police, charity workers and volunteers...
Change the Narrative is the theme for this year's World Suicide Prevention Day on 10th September. Find out how your organisation can support this campaign or where you can find help, here.
The Wiltshire Threshold for Access to Safeguarding Services Matrix was developed by the Wiltshire Multi Agency Safeguarding...
Please check if you have enough of your medication...
Please see information on workshops and events taking place in Wiltshire during the summer holidays in July and August.
Wiltshire Council and Swindon Borough Council Public Health teams held a webinar on synthetic opioid preparedness. As a result, in the decrease of heroin supply across the UK, we are seeing synthetic opioids being added to the drug supply chain to increase the potency of low-quality heroin...
The guidance provides a framework for the management of very complex...
Julian House in partnership with Wiltshire Council are providing a new safe accommodation service that will provide...
Connect Wiltshire Substance use Service are offering monthly drug and alcohol awareness workshops which are open to all professionals. The workshops will provide an introduction to drugs, alcohol and treatment options available....
Community Care Inform have produced some bite-sized guidance on domestic abuse and older couples...
The Wiltshire Shout Service is a free text message mental health support service available to Wiltshire residents of all ages. Wiltshire residents can text WILTS to 85258 to access free, confidential mental health support...
Policing is in the spotlight more than ever due to the horrific examples of sexual violence, domestic abuse, violent crime and sexual misconduct...
Connect Wiltshire is a free drug and...
Are you an organisation that operates in the night-time economy in Swindon or Wiltshire? You can join others by helping to create Safer Nights...
The SVPP have published their Strategic Plan for 2023-2026. This sets out our priorities for the next few years and the work we will do to address them.
The SVPP Annual Report for 2021-2022 can be downloaded here. The report sets out key activity during this period and its impact, including case reviews. Please disseminate within your organisation.
Wiltshire Council has created an online interactive community directory to help people find out what warm spaces and community...
The next self- neglect and hoarding forum is taking place on 16th May
This is a key element of our Relationship Based Practice approach in our Family Help strategy. The courses are funded through the FACT partnership, and there are offerings for people new to Wiltshire and working in a...