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SVPP Newsletter 19

SVPP Newsletter Issue 19

Welcome to the Spring edition of Wiltshire SVPP’s e-newsletter bringing you the latest news and updates from the SVPP, including the Wiltshire Community Safety Partnership (CSP).    

News in Brief

Exploring cannabis use and its impact on parenting capacity

SVPP have published new multi-agency guidance for professionals, exploring cannabis use and its impact on parenting capacity. The guidance can be found on our Resource Hub (click on the Cannabis drop-down to see the guidance). 

There will be a webinar to discuss the tool, why it has been introduced and discuss the guidance on Tuesday 25th March at 11am. Bookings for the webinar are via Virtual College

Thank You to All Providers Who Attended the Adult MASH Provider Forum

Adult Social Care would like to extend their sincere appreciation to all providers who attended the Adult Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Provider Forum on 21st February 2025. Your active participation, valuable contributions, and commitment to safeguarding adults plays a vital role in strengthening our collective approach to protecting vulnerable individuals. Strong collaborative partnerships are at the heart of effective safeguarding, ensuring that concerns are identified early, shared appropriately. To further our collective approach, we encourage attendees to actively engage in initiatives aimed at improving feedback mechanisms and fostering continuous learning. Your insights and experiences are invaluable in refining our safeguarding processes and ensuring that we adapt to emerging challenges. We look forward to your continued participation in future forums and collaborative efforts.

Next forum date - 29th April 10am 

Senior Partners Meeting

Our most recent Senior Partners meeting was held on Friday 14th February. Chair of the Executive Gill May of the ICB welcomed delegates to the session, which was facilitated by David Williams our independent scrutineer. Using an adapted DfE health check tool we identified our areas of strength and development as a partnership and started to think about our future priorities from 2026. The feedback is being collated and will be considered by the Executive, but thank you to all partners who attended and gave us such valuable insights.

The next event will be in June, with date to be confirmed soon. If you are unsure if your organisation is represented, then please email SVPP@wiltshire.gov.uk.

Senior Partnership Lead

Richard Harris has been appointed as the Senior & Children’s Partnership Lead following the departure of Julie Upson in January. Richard will start in post from the 1st April, having recently been seconded as the SVPP & FACT Workforce Development Lead. We wish Julie well in her new role - her wealth of knowledge and experience over the 12 years she was involved with partnership working in Wiltshire will be missed.

New! Strength Based Child Protection Conferences

Watch a 9-minute video on Strength Based Child Protection Conferences and download related documents – access this module via your Virtual College account. For further booking information, please visit the SVPP website, Learning Hub.

Policy update: Fabricated or Induced Illness and Perplexing Presentations in Children

The policy has been updated and can be viewed on the SVPP website here.

 street tag

Street Tag is a free, interactive smart phone app that promotes participation in physical activities such as walking, cycling and running. Children, young people and adults can use the app (as long as they have a smart phone) to improve mental and physical wellbeing through movement and competition.

Research in Practice

Supporting innovation in adult social care

An upcoming webinar will share learning from the Supporting Adult Social Care Innovation (SASCI) project. The session will share lessons from five years of research into innovation in adult social care, touching on questions of systems innovations, and how to adopt frugal innovation effectively.

The webinar is aimed at people working in local authorities, including practitioners and those in commissioning, transformation and managerial roles.

Delivered online using Teams - 12:00 - 13:00 Friday, 28 March 2025, to book your place click here.

Domestic Abuse Survivor Voice Survey Report

The Wiltshire Public Health team released a survey to members of the public in Spring 2024, asking for those who have been impacted by DA to share their experiences, feedback and ideas. The aim of the survey was to gain a better understanding of Wiltshire residents’ experiences of domestic abuse, in order to inform the development of the whole system approach to domestic abuse in our area. The feedback gathered from this survey have been used to inform Wiltshire’s Domestic Abuse Health Needs Assessment and Domestic Abuse Strategy. To read the full report please click here.

Upcoming campaigns and dates for the diary

18th March is Child Exploitation Awareness Day. Awareness raising of child sexual exploitation (CSE) experienced by boys and young men will be highlighted encouraging everyone to Think Twice, Think Abuse. For more information please click here.

World Social Work Day/Week 2025 will take place from Monday 17th - Friday 21st March 2025


Neurodiversity Celebration Week 17th-23 March

Join us in celebrating different minds and help change the narrative around neurodiversity by sharing this awareness week. Resources and media pack can be found here.

     All Together

St Johns Ambulance - free events

Spurgeons/Wiltshire Family Hubs have made a collaboration with St Johns Ambulance and Wiltshire Libraries. There will be First Aid Awareness sessions taking place in nearly every staffed library in Wiltshire free of charge - please click here to see dates.

These sessions are free drop-in sessions and will tailor for all ages and communities.

Nicotine (Smoking, Vaping and Pouches) Training - 25th March 15.30-16.30

Wiltshire Council are funding a few courses for professionals on vaping, spice vapes, smoking, SNUS pouches etc. Please signpost people to stop smoking/vaping and find more resources here.

GM Programme of Learning & Development Events

There is an opportunity to register onto free events delivered by Great Manchester, some of the topics they deliver below:

  • Cyber safety & security and how this can impact on young people
  • Supporting Roma children & families facing exploitation
  • Child centred policing
  • “No man’s land” Exploring the needs of male victims/survivors of CSE

To register, click on the link below. Some further workshops will appear on the page over the next few weeks: Greater Manchester Programme of Learning & Development Events

Julian House

The Gypsy Roma Traveller Domestic Abuse/Violence (GRT DA/V) Training provided by Julian House have further dates being offered. It is an hour FREE training course to provide awareness to staff/volunteers around domestic abuse/violence within the Gypsy Roma Traveller communities. 

There are currently the following dates available:

  • 2/4/24 10-11 am - online via Teams
  • 8/4/25 10-11am - online via Teams
  • 17/4/25 10-11am - In person (location to be pre-arranged)

Julian House can offer this as remote training or provide this in-person on the pre-arranged date of 17/4/25.

Please share this with colleagues and get in touch with Sue to book: sue.meech@julianhouse.org.uk

Please visit our social media platform here, follow, like and share to help safeguard and protect the most vulnerable in our community together.

SVPP Training and Learning Events

Did you know the SVPP offers a range of free e-learning courses? Modules include Child and Adult Exploitation, Self-Neglect, Learning from Case Reviews, Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, and E- Safety.  To book any SVPP training courses including e-learning, click here 

The SVPP have some courses coming up which still have places available:

  • 03.2025 – Adult Threshold Matrix Workshop
  • 03.2025 – Cannabis Tool & Guidance Webinar
  • 03.2025 – Mental Capacity Act (MCA) Training
  • 04.2025 – Contextual Safeguarding
  • 04.2025 – Working Together: A Shared Responsibility
  • 04.2025 – Conferences and Core Groups Training
  • 05.2025 – Prevent Awareness

All courses are available to book via your Virtual College account.  For further booking information, please visit the SVPP website, Learning Hub.


SVPP offer a range of safeguarding e-learning modules which can be accessed at your convenience.  New modules have recently been added.  Please select the ‘Learning’ tile, then ‘Available Learning’ on your Virtual College account.

SVPP Safeguarding Week Catch-Up modules

SVPP hosted their annual Safeguarding Week in November.  Many of the webinars were recorded and a copy of the presentation slides has been made available for most.  To access these, please select the ‘Learning’ tile on your Virtual College account.  For further information, please visit the SVPP Website.                

All courses are available to book via your Virtual College account.  For full course descriptions and further booking information, please visit the SVPP website Learning Hub.


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