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Rise:61 Services - Bemerton Heath

Overview of Rise:61
Rise:61 was founded by local residents in 2014 after living and doing detached youth work on
the estate of Bemerton Heath, Salisbury since 2009. We work with over 100 young people a
year. We offer:
Bike Hub
● Run two after school clubs a week where young people learn how to fix bikes and go on
rides together, led by a professional bike mechanic
● Organised mountain biking trips
● Provide affordable second hand bikes for sale
Creative Hub
● Run a weekly after school club using arts, crafts and digital technology where young
people learn new skills and create things they can be proud of
Active Hub
● Run a weekly after school club led by a fully qualified personal trainer, using physical
activity to promote positive mental health
Life Group
● Run a free after school club (aimed at school years 5-9) where young people have fun,
gather around a meal and explore the Christian faith
Doorsteps Sports Club
● We support Wiltshire Council and District Sports to provide a free weekly Doorsteps
Sports Club where young people typically play football
● Provide 1:1 mentoring with young people in need of extra support
Alternative Education
● We provide 1:1 or small group Alternative Education sessions for young people
struggling in mainstream education. We offer sessions in bike mechanics, fitness,
creativity, gardening and woodwork. Young people achieve AQA awards whilst they are
with us. Referrers pay for this service.
Who we work with
Age - we work with young people aged between 8-17 and vulnerable young people between
Location - our work focuses on young people who live in Bemerton Heath, all our clubs and
groups are free to young people from this community. Our Alternative Education Provision which
is funded by the referrer is open to young people across the city and beyond.
How to refer
If you are working with a young person who lives on Bemerton Heath who you think may benefit
from our support please contact: Robin@rise61.org or call 07471 234764


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