SVPP Newsletter - Issue 14
SVPP newsletter Issue 14
Welcome to Issue 14 of Wiltshire SVPP’s e-newsletter (summer edition), bringing you the latest news and updates from the SVPP, including the Wiltshire Community Safety Partnership (CSP).
SVPP Stakeholder Network
We hosted our Stakeholder Network in June with attendance from various partner agencies working with children and young people, families and adults with care and support needs in Wiltshire.
The purpose of the meeting was to provide an update on the work of the SVPP, including learning from case reviews locally and nationally, explore relevant local and national safeguarding themes and activity and provide an opportunity to network with other practitioners through discussions in break out groups.
The next event will take place via Teams in December (date TBC). If you would like more information, or to register your interest please contact
SVPP Adult Safeguarding Partners Workshop
In June the SVPP hosted an Adult Safeguarding Partners Workshop with the focus being on Self- Neglect and Hoarding. Self-Neglect is a theme which features in a large proportion of Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) both nationally and locally and this event was an opportunity for agencies to learn more about the subject. There was good attendance with 20 attendees from 11 agencies from both statutory and non-statutory organisations. There was a combination of presentations and workshops with the purpose of shared learning.

Change of email for Children’s MASH: All requests for service should now be sent to; the old MASH email address is no longer in use. Additionally, MASHadmin email has been replaced with
A reminder that is now only used by Adult Social Care Emergency Duty Service, the email address for children out of hours is
The request for service (previously referral) form has been updated to reflect these changes and updated on the Wiltshire Council Website.

Travel and Weather – Safer Sleep advice for Babies
Invaluable information on safer sleep and SIDS can be found at The Lullaby Trust.
Car seats and SIDS – it is recommended that you avoid travelling in cars with pre-term and young babies for long distances. If your trip involves driving for long periods of time, you should stop for frequent breaks. This will allow you to check on your baby, take them out of the car seat and let them stretch and move around. For more information on car seats and over-heating please click here.
Hot weather and baby summer safety tips - to reduce the risk of SIDS there are a number of safety tips including room temperature, sleeping routine on holiday, ensuring baby is appropriately hydrated, co-sleeping and more. Please visit the website for further details here.

Trilogy of Risk Support
The Nelson Trust helps thousands of women recovering from addiction change the quality of their lives. Further detail about The Nelson Trust’s overall support offer can be found on their website.
A range of groups throughout Wiltshire are available (open to women only and by referral):

Wiltshire Gambling Harms: Turning the Curve - Thursday 19th September 2024
Wiltshire Public Health are arranging an event at County Hall on 19th September on the prevalence, effects and understanding of Gambling Harms in our county.
As a key stakeholder, we are pleased to invite you to this event to learn about the research findings. We hope this will provide an opportunity to inform and shape appropriate and effective support for those experiencing harms in our county.
Event Details
Name: Wiltshire Gambling Harms: Turning the Curve
Date: Thursday 19th September 2024
Time: (9.30am for networking) 10.00am – 3.00pm
Venue: Conference Suite, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 8JN
Please click here to book a place. We will provide additional information and an agenda, closer to the date.
News In Brief
- The Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel has published a briefing paper about safeguarding children in elective home education. This is the third in their series of ‘briefing’ publications, which aim to share learning in a faster and more informal way than a national review. This briefing contains important learning and recommendations that could help improve local practice. For more information please visit the website here
- Revised Multi-Agency Thresholds Document for Safeguarding Children can be found on our website here. You can also watch a recording of the launch webinar here
- Fabricated and Induced Illness in young adults - a webinar on ‘SAR Ella’ commissioned by Kingston Safeguarding Adult Board aims to enable practitioners and managers to be better informed about this area. The Executive summary and webinar can be viewed
- Changes to MARAC - Wiltshire Police took over the management of WILTSHIRE MARAC in January 2024. Previously WILTSHIRE MARAC was managed by Wiltshire Council. Please use the following email address for correspondence:
- SVPP Training - As of the 17th June 2024, the SVPP Training phone number has changed to 01225 713680. Please use this phone number for any training related queries or email us at
Upcoming Campaigns
- Domestic Abuse and the Euros - major sports events can lead to a spike in domestic abuse reports. Reports increase by 38% when England lose a match. For many victims it can be hard to reach out for help. If you’re worried about someone you can anonymously contact For more information on local support click
- Stalking Awareness campaign continues – ongoing awareness raising through Wiltshire Police and the Suzy Lamplugh Trust on the support for victims of stalking and harassment. Wiltshire Police and OPCC have joined together to launch a ‘romantic style’ trailer to highlight the problematic behaviours that constitute stalking. ‘Life isn’t like the movies – let’s stop normalising stalking’ video can be watched This campaign aims to encourage victims and their families to spot the signs of stalking, report it and get support.
- Alcohol Awareness Week 1-7th July is a week of awareness-raising, campaigning for change. Alcohol Awareness Week 2024 theme is ‘understanding alcohol harm’. For free resources to support this campaign and for further information visit Alcohol change UK.
- Wiltshire Police are working with partners in Salisbury and the Night-Time Economy to continue to raise awareness and share information on the Walk Away Campaign. ‘One punch can kill’ and ‘what kind of mate are you’ are tag lines used to encourage young people to stay safe on nights out.
- World Suicide Prevention Day – 10th September - In an effort to address suicide and encourage positive change, the theme for World Suicide Prevention Day is ‘Changing the Narrative on Suicide’. The aim of the theme is to raise awareness about the importance of changing the narrative surrounding suicide and transforming how we perceive this complex issue. Changing the narrative requires systemic change. It’s about shifting from a culture of silence and stigma to one of openness, understanding, and support. For further information, valuable resources, campaign assets and events visit the International Association of Suicide Prevention

Please visit our social media platform here, follow, like and share to help safeguard and protect the most vulnerable in our community together.

SVPP Training and Learning Events
Did you know the SVPP offers a range of free e-learning courses? Modules include Child and Adult Exploitation, Self-Neglect, Learning from Case Reviews, Mental Capacity Act and DoLs and E- Safety. To book any SVPP training courses including e-learning, click here
The Safeguarding Vulnerable People Partnership (SVPP) have some courses coming up which still have places available:
08.07.2024 - Domestic Abuse Training (Face-to-face, Trowbridge) *Free to attend*
11.07.2024 - Specialist Advanced Practitioner Training (Virtual)
In September a new Early Support Assessment Process course will launch, along with further dates for Graded Care Profile 2 Licenced Practitioner training
Information about the above courses can be found here and instructions on how to register and apply for courses can be found here. Once you have an account on Virtual College, you’ll be able to apply for these via the ‘Events’ tile on your account.
ESA Process Courses Available
The SVPP are delivering some training on the ESA Process. This course will take participants through the Wiltshire Early Support Assessment process, from identifying need, completing the form, action planning and the review process. You’ll explore the lead professional role and consider barriers to success and how to overcome them.
This course is appropriate for anyone who might be involved with an Early Support Assessment, regardless of if you might be the lead professional, and will also be of use for those who supervise professionals who are involved or are the safeguarding lead for their setting or organisation.
So far, there is one date booked in but there will be more sessions to come soon. Information on these courses can be found here and information on how to apply can be found here.