SVPP Newsletter Issue 11
SVPP Newsletter Issue 11
Welcome to Issue 11 of Wiltshire SVPP’s e-newsletter, bringing you the latest news and updates from the SVPP, including the Wiltshire Community Safety Partnership (CSP).
Working Together 2023
On 15th December 2023 the government published Working Together to safeguarding children 2023: statutory guidance . This statutory guidance sets out key roles for individual organisations and agencies to deliver effective arrangements for help, support, safeguarding, and protection and replaces Working Together 2018.
This new edition of Working Together is central to delivering on the Government’s Strategy set out in Stable homes, built on love (2023), which outlines the Government’s commitment to support every child to grow up in a safe, stable and loving home, and is informed by the national CSPR Panel report Child Protection in England, 2022.
The changes include:
- principles for working with parents and carers that centre the importance of building positive, trusting and co-operative relationships to deliver tailored support to families
- expectations for multi-agency working that apply to all individuals, agencies and organisations working with children and their families, across a range of roles and activities
- new national multi-agency child protection standards that set out actions, considerations and behaviours for improved child protection practice and better outcomes for children
- new responsibilities/clarification of the roles of lead and delegated safeguarding partners
- strengthening the role of education within safeguarding arrangements
We are hosting a Virtual Briefing on Feb 20th 2024, 12.00 – 13.00pm:
Working Together 2023: a guide to multi-agency working to help, protect and promote the welfare of children – summary of key changes.
This virtual briefing will update you on the key changes set out in Working Together 2023 which was published in December 2023. It will also summarise how this guidance relates to the Social Care National Framework and Dashboard – guidance of which was also published in December 2023.
To book please go to: SVPP Learning Hub

FearFree’s whole family approach to breaking the cycle of abuse and creating lasting change is delivered through a range of programmes and services.
This includes support for perpetrators through their Behaviour Change Programme: This non-judgemental programme supports people who recognise that their behaviour is harming their relationships and would like to make positive changes.
It is open to men and women aged over 16 years and their family will be offered additional support.
Current and ex-military personnel are offered support through a specialist Forces programme.
Other support available:
Inspiring Families Programme: This innovative ten-week assessment programme can help to strengthen and stabilise families who are living through domestic abuse and choosing to stay together.
The family do not have to be living together at the point of referral but there does need to be some desire to reconcile their relationship in the future.
The programme is delivered in two separate groups, one for the non-abusing parents and the other for the parent who displays harmful behaviour. Children also receive separate support.
Benefits of his course include enabling professionals to create a robust framework to assess risk, informing child protection decisions and reducing demand management.
At the end of the course an assessment and action plan are created which helps to create a safer family environment and aims to break the cycle of abuse in the long term.
Children's and Young Person’s IDVA: The Children and Young Person’s IDVA provides age appropriate practical and emotional domestic abuse support.
It is available to children and young people aged between 13 and 21 years who are experiencing abuse in an intimate non- familial relationship. This support is not suitable for children who are experiencing other forms of abuse for example bullying.
How To Refer
To make a professional referral you can
Email –
Phone – 01225 775 276
Complete a web form - Wiltshire - FearFree
Self -referrals can also be made using the contact details above.

Safeguarding unborn babies and under 1s Virtual Summit – March 4th 2024, 0900-1600
We are holding a virtual summit focussed on unborn babies and under 1s. This will be an all-day event with keynote speakers and workshops throughout the day aimed at developing and improving practice and systems to support and engage parents and families to prevent harm.
The day is aimed at practitioners, commissioners and managers across BSW, including from services for adults who will be working with parents and adults with caring responsibilities.
Please contact if you would like to attend.
Useful links, resources and events in brief

Children’s mental health awareness week 2024, will take place from the 5th February - 11th February. This year’s theme is “My Voice Matters”, emphasizing the importance of empowering children to express themselves. Free resources for primary schools, secondary and high schools and families, parents and carers are available to download.

Programme of Learning February - March 2024
#LookCloser have developed a programme of learning and developed sessions based on learning from The Children’s Society and wider partners to tackle the issues of child exploitation
and abuse.
All sessions are free of charge and delivered on Microsoft Teams Live.
LookCloser: The Digital Lives of Children and Young People
Mon 5 Feb 2024 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM GMT
LookCloser: Preventing and Disrupting Child Exploitation Within the Night-time Economy
Thu 15 Feb 2024 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM GMT

Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)
A new survey and report, commissioned by Crimestoppers, has revealed that one in six children face unwanted sexual harassment in public from the age of 10. The report speaks on general attitudes to sexual harassment and the age at which victims are targeted. It also follows the impact of the #MeToo movement against sexual abuse and harassment. To read the full report or key findings, please click here

The Baby Steps programme focuses on providing help and preparing parents that require more support on the transition to parenthood. It enables new parents to be better equipped to cope with all the new experiences of parenthood. Group sessions focus on babies' development, giving birth and getting to know your baby and caring for babies and ourselves. When a parent to be joins a group, they will meet each week. This may be online or face-to-face. The groups will be made up of other families at a similar stage of pregnancy. If you think a family may benefit from the course, please contact Baby Steps for eligibility. Places are given based on availability and individual circumstance and can only be offered to families living in Wiltshire. If you would like to know more contact Meredith Russ, Baby Steps Lead for Wiltshire by email

Safer Internet Day takes place in February of each year to raise awareness of a safer and better internet for all, and especially for children and young people.
Save the date for Safer Internet Day 2024 which will take place on Tuesday, 6 February 2024.
As part of this annual celebration, we encourage everyone - including children and young people, parents and caregivers, teachers and educators, policymakers, industry and others - to join "Together for a better internet". For more information, please go to: Home - Safer Internet Day

Centre of Expertise on child sexual abuse: Free webinars: Using the Child Sexual Abuse Response Pathway in practice
An interactive online resource to guide professionals through how they can protect and support children and their families when there are concerns of sexual abuse. The webinars will be free monthly lunch and learn sessions and will help practitioners learn how to use the Response Pathway.
For more details, please click on the below links:

SVPP Training and Learning Events
Did you know the SVPP offers a range of free e-learning courses? Modules include Child and Adult Exploitation, Self-Neglect, Learning from Case Reviews, Mental Capacity Act and DoLs and E- Safety. To book any SVPP training courses including e-learning, click here
New Course Dates For 2024 Available:
We have new dates available for the following courses for 2024:
- DASH Risk Assessment and MARAC Training
- Domestic Abuse
- Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2) Licensed Practitioner Training
- Neglect
- Radicalisation and Extremism
- Specialist Advanced Practitioner Training
- Working Together: A Shared Responsibility
You can see these dates here and they can be applied for via our booking system. Information on how to apply for training or how to register with an account can be found here.
We hope to have dates for our remaining courses available soon, but these will be advertised on our website when they have been arranged. If you have any questions or if you need any help, please try our FAQ page for answers and advice.
NEW - Ways of Writing Workshop
We have added a new workshop to the SVPP range of courses:
Ways of writing workshop is an opportunity to think about the way we write when working with children. What impact it potentially has and how we can adapt our thinking and writing based on young people’s feedback. You will see good examples of writing and get chance to have a go!
This workshop is free to attend, and the following dates are available.
- 18th April 2024 (Virtual)
- 1st October 2024 (Virtual)
Booking instructions and links can be found on the SVPP Website here. Please note our cancellation policy and non-attendance charges prior to booking.