SVPP Newsletter - Issue 12
SVPP Newsletter Issue 12
Welcome to Issue 12 of Wiltshire SVPP’s e-newsletter, bringing you the latest news and updates from the SVPP, including the Wiltshire Community Safety Partnership (CSP).
Safeguarding Unborn Babies and Under 1s Virtual Summit
SVPP held a virtual summit on 4th March focussed on unborn babies and under 1s. The aim of this all-day event was to prevent harm by developing and improving practice and systems in place to support parents and families, through a range of keynote speakers and workshops. The event was a great success, with colleagues across BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire in attendance, enabling fantastic discussion about this key safeguarding agenda.
Presentations from the day will be accessible and links provided in our next newsletter edition in May.
Supporting the adult safeguarding workforce
Did you know the SVPP offers a range of free e-learning courses? Modules include Child and Adult Exploitation, Self-Neglect, Learning from Case Reviews, Mental Capacity Act and DoLs and E- Safety. To book any SVPP training courses including e-learning, click here
Coming soon: The safeguarding of adults seeking asylum, 09.05.2024. This session aims to prompt discussion about the safeguarding needs of people seeking sanctuary. The content is based on what learning has been produced from statutory reviews where adults seeking sanctuary have been the subjects.
To book any SVPP training courses including e-learning, click here
Older LGBTQ+ people and social care
SCIE (Social Care institute for excellence) has created a knowledge base to support professionals working with this group as research has recognised a lack of knowledge about their needs. To access the resources, including a webinar go to: Older LGBTQ+ people and social care (
Useful links, resources and events in brief

Wiltshire SHOUT is a FREE 24/7 mental health text service available for residents in Wiltshire, including those affected by domestic abuse. You can help increase awareness of this invaluable resource by cascading details of SHOUT to your operational teams, and your organisations’ Comms colleagues to share externally.
Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) Newsletter
The March edition of the Wiltshire and Swindon CDOP Newsletter is available, aimed at professionals working with families. The newsletter highlights learning, provides guidance and signposts to useful resources to support safe and healthy families.

Disclosure and Barring Service webinars
Wiltshire SVPP are hosting two online workshops by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Regional Outreach Advisor. These workshops will be offered free of charge to organisations in Wiltshire and will cover:
DBS Disclosure workshop – understanding eligibility for DBS checks - Tuesday 16th April, 9.30am - 11.30am
DBS Barring and Legal Duty to Refer workshop - Monday 22nd April, 9.30am - 11.30am
Full details can be found here
Booking is now available via the learning portal
FREE online Drug and Alcohol Awareness training from Connect Wiltshire.
Drug Awareness (Young People) 2 hours 30 minutes. An interactive course relating to young people’s drug use locally and nationally, highlighting emerging trends. Also includes information on street names, appearance, how taken, effects, risks, signs to look out for and changes in drug supply (social media, the dark web, & county lines). It concludes by looking at educational tools that can be used when working with young people. Dates: 18th January, 23rd April, 19th September 2024
Alcohol Awareness (Young People) 1 hour, 15 minutes. As well as giving a background to young alcohol use, these sessions teach professionals how to best work with young people when issues occur. The session looks at DHI’s The Wrap and Drink Think tools, along with others. Dates: 27th February, 16th May, 10th October 2024
Parental Substance Misuse 1 hour, 15 minutes. ‘Parental substance misuse’ is the long-term misuse of drugs and/or alcohol by a parent or carer. This course looks at prevalence and the effects of parental substance misuse, the correlation with CIN referrals, and the cycle of substance misuse in families. Dates: 12th March, 13th June, 12th November 2024
For bookings & further information contact: Dave Cook, Project & Programme Manager at DHI (email:

Bookings are now being taken for the Easter holiday FUEL programme. FUEL provides eligible school-aged children with free access to enriching activities, nutritious meals and healthy eating information.
The activities will run on 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th April, with the exception of Mere (3rd, 5th, 8th and 10th April). More information about eligibility and the programme can be found on the website: FUEL Programme Information. The programme is open to children who are eligible for benefit-related Free School Meals, Children in Care, Refugees, Young Carers and families who have been advised to apply for a place. To start making bookings, please follow this link: FUEL booking. Booking will remain open until 27th March.
Any queries can be directed to

National Stalking Awareness Week - 22nd to 26th April 2024
0808 802 0300 - Advice for victims
This year the theme for this awareness raising week is "Join Forces Against Stalking". This emphasises the importance of effective multi-agency working to ensure victims of stalking are supported from their point of disclosure right through until a conviction and beyond. Agencies across the police, CPS and healthcare are encouraged to join forces, and work together to effectively support victims of stalking.
Information on National Stalking Awareness Conference can be found here.
Support for victims of stalking and harassment can be found here.
Wiltshire MASH tour
Partners are able to request a MASH tour at County Hall Trowbridge – this is a two-hour session that takes place every last Wednesday of the month. Email to book on.

Wiltshire Together lets you find or share information on community activities, events and volunteering opportunities across Wiltshire-
Online Safety Live – 03.07.2024

The UK Safer Internet Centre are delighted to partner with Wiltshire Safeguarding Vulnerable People Partnership to deliver a FREE Online Safety update. Open to all who work with children and young people, this event will give you the latest in research, legislation, technology, tools and resources along with exclusive access to the presentation and resource materials. These are face-to-face sessions at Monkton Park, Chippenham. Morning and afternoon sessions available. Booking is via Eventbrite:
Online Safety Live - Wiltshire Tickets, Wed 3 Jul 2024 at 09:30 | Eventbrite
Online Safety Live - Wiltshire Tickets, Wed 3 Jul 2024 at 13:30 | Eventbrite

We recently supported the Safer Sleep Week from 11-17th March. Their theme for this year is ‘the safest place’. Babies’ airways are vulnerable, particularly in the first few months of life, so it is important that parents and carers are aware of this and the actions they can take to protect their children. This campaign provided information on how to simply create a safe sleep space for a baby to help protect their vulnerable airway and reduce the risk of SIDS and accidents.
For further information on the campaign and other safe sleep resources, please visit The Lullaby Trust here

CE Awareness Day – 18th March 2024 marks the 10th anniversary of National Child Exploitation Awareness Day, highlighting the issues surrounding Child Exploitation. For 2024, there are campaigns to think, spot and speak out against abuse, emphasising a zero-tolerance approach to Child Exploitation in all its forms. The STOP CE website below features resources and information for you to use to promote CE Awareness Day in your organisations.
Knowledge and understanding about the exploitation of adults is less developed and the new Adult Exploitation Subgroup will be working to develop this: find out more about adult exploitation here: Wiltshire Safeguarding Vulnerable People Partnership (SVPP) - Exploitation of adults ( and access our factsheet on economic abuse.

SVPP Training and Learning Events
Did you know the SVPP offers a range of free e-learning courses? Modules include Child and Adult Exploitation, Self-Neglect, Learning from Case Reviews, Mental Capacity Act and DoLs and E- Safety. To book any SVPP training courses including e-learning, click here
The Safeguarding Vulnerable People Partnership (SVPP) have some courses coming up which still have places available:
- 21.03.2024 - Contextual Safeguarding
- 26.03.2024 - Neglect Training
- 28.03.2024 - Conferences and Core Groups
- 16.04.2024 - Sexualised Behaviour
- 18.04.2024 - Ways of Writing
- 23.04.2024 - Working Together: A Shared Responsibility
NEW: We have a new one-off workshop, now available to book:
09.05.2024: The safeguarding of adults seeking asylum. This session aims to prompt discussion about the safeguarding needs of people seeking sanctuary. The content is based on what learning has been produced from statutory reviews where adults seeking sanctuary have been the subjects.
Five to Thrive Training
There are now dates available for the next round of Five To Thrive Training.
This is a key element of our Relationship Based Practice approach in our Family Help strategy. The courses are funded through the FACT partnership, and there are offerings for people new to Wiltshire and working in a trauma informed way, those who need a refresher to support embedding the practice and those who have previously been trained to develop further into Emotion Coaching.
The training will continue to be delivered by KCA, and bookings are via their portal
You can find further detail here
Information about the above courses can be found here and instructions on how to register and apply for courses can be found here. Once you have an account on Virtual College, you’ll be able to apply for these via the ‘Events’ tile on your account.