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Our Latest News

  • Five To Thrive Training - New Dates Available

    There are now dates available for the next round of Five To Thrive Training, starting in May 2025.  This is a key element of our Relationship Based Practice approach in our Family Help strategy.  There are offerings for people new to Wiltshire and working in a trauma informed way, those who need a refresher to support embedding the practice...

  • Trilogy of Risk support from The Nelson Trust

    The Nelson Trust offer support groups for women who are affected by at least two of the three areas of the Trilogy of Risk:

    - Domestic Abuse

    - Substance Use

    - Poor Mental Health

  • Fear Free - New Service - Connecting You

    Connecting You is a new online forum where people who have experienced abuse can meet anonymously to share...

  • SVPP Newsletter 19

    Welcome to the Spring edition of Wiltshire SVPP’s e-newsletter bringing you the latest news and updates from the SVPP, including the Wiltshire Community Safety Partnership (CSP).